January 27, 2010

Irish Theme by Tish

Irish Theme by Tish

This tut was written by me, Em Jay, on 1-27-10 with all rights reserved. Please do not copy and paste it in any group or call it your own. You can link to it using a text link to my blog.

This tut is written using a PTU kit created by Tish of Skrapping Magic called Irish Theme by Tish which you can find here. It was written using PSP9, but is adaptable to any version and is for people with a good working knowledge of PSP.

Needed supplies: Here
And Animation Shop

Open new image 500 by 500, flood fill with white; select all, add new raster layer. Select the paper of your choice. I used tish_irish_tartan_one. Copy/paste into selection, select none. Highlight paper layer and apply the mask included in the supplies, merge down.

Open a tube to be used as your focus tube or use the one I’ve included in supplies. If you use the tube by 6Aika6 or deviantart, remember to put the copyright information which is listed on the tube somewhere on your finished tag. Place the tube somewhere on the left side of the background.

Open tish_irish_shamrock, resize down to three different sizes. Place them here and there on your tag, putting some under the tube layer and some on top. Add tish_irish_message_tag as a new layer and resize and rotate it a bit to the right as I’ve done. You can move some of the shamrocks on top or below this layer also. Add tish_irish_shamrock_bow as a new layer and resize and rotate a little to the right and place it on top of the message tag. Before merging add a nice drop shadow on the different layers of elements that you used. Once you are happy with the way your tag looks, merge all visible.

Add your text using a chunkier font. I used Soothsayer. Text tool setting should be direction: vertical/left, Stroke width: 4. Kerning: -100, but this is dependent on the font you use. Once you place your text, rotate it until it fits nicely on the message tag. Convert to raster. Add more shamrocks as a new layer and resized very small to fit by your text. Drop shadow your shamrocks and merge them onto one layer. They should be the top layer of your tag now.

Highlight your text layer, select all/float/defloat; duplicate twice. You should now have five layers. Highlight layer 2, adjust/add noise with this setting: random/noise 25%, monochrome checked. Click ok. Highlight third layer, add noise changing only 25% to 31%; then highlight the fourth layer only changing 31% to 37%. Select none.

Now we will copy it into Animation Shop. Close layers 3 and 4. Copy merged and paste as new animation in AS. Close layer 2 and open layer 3, copy merged and paste After Current Frame. Close layer 3 and open layer 5, copy merged and paste in AS After Current Frame. Save as a .gif and you’re done.

Thanks for trying the tut and I hope you enjoyed it. 

January 19, 2010

My Gothy Valentine

My Gothy Valentine

This tut was written by me, Em Jay, on 1-19-10 with all rights reserved.  Please do not copy and paste it in any group or call it your own. You can link to it using a link to my blog.

This tut is written using a PTU kit created by Digicats (and Dogs) called My Gothy Valentine which you can find here.   It was written using PSP9, but is adaptable to any version and is for people with a good working knowledge of PSP.

Open a new image 550 by 550 and flood fill with white. Select all, add new raster layer, copy/paste DCD_paper06 into selection, select none. Open DCD_Gothic Frame_04, resize by 65%, sharpen once.  Copy/paste onto your image as new layer. Use your magic wand and click outside of the frame, modify/expand/3, highlight middle paper layer, hit delete. Highlight frame, drop shadow, merge down. Use the deform tool to push the left and right sides in until it looks more like an ellipse.

Add one of the posers. I used sweetheartblackheart6, resize, copy/paste onto your image, positioning it how you want it, drop shadow.

Open DCD_GothCandle6, resize 55%, sharpen. Copy/paste onto image, duplicate, position, drag this layer under the first candle layer. Highlight first candle layer, merge down. Add a drop shadow. Add DCD_key on top of the base of the front candle, drop shadow. Copy/paste DCD-DreadyBear04 on top of the back candle. Close all layers except two candles, bear and key; merge visible.

Copy/paste DCD_bow01 on top of frame, drop shadow. Copy/Paste DCD_Dagger over middle of bow, drop shadow, merge down.

Copy/paste mixed colors of the candy hearts here and there and also the chocolate kisses. Drop shadow each one.

Add your text and all copyright information, merge flat, export as a jpeg.  You’re done!

Thank you for trying this tut.  Hope you enjoyed it.

January 17, 2010

Snow In Love

 Snow in Love

This tut was written by me, Em Jay, with all rights reserved.  Please do not copy and paste it in any group or call it your own. You can link to it using a link to my blog.

This tut is written using a beautiful ptu kit created by Crazed’s Creations called Snow in Love which you can find here

It was written using PSP9, but is surely adaptable to any version and is for people with a good working knowledge of PSP. Animating is your option and is not included in this tutorial.

Open a new transparent image 600 by 600.  Flood fill with white. Selection/select all. Add a new raster layer. Open paper 19_SILT. Copy and paste into selection, select none.

Highlight the top layer and add the mask WSL_MASK140 which can be found here. Merge group.  Use your preset shape tool and set it to rectangle, foreground color null and background color white.  Draw a rectangle inside the middle panel of the mask making sure you leave a nice border of the paper. Object/align/center in canvas. Convert to raster. Duplicate this layer twice. Move one over to the center of the first panel and the other over to the center of the last panel. Close your bottom two layers and merge visible.

You can open your middle layer again.  Highlight the top layer and select all/float/defloat.  Highlight your middle layer and delete, select none.  Now delete your top layer.  Add a drop shadow using these settings, vertical/horizontal 2, opacity 100, blur 3, color #9d3351. Add this color to your swatches.  We will be using it for drop shadows throughout the tut.

Highlight your top layer.  Set your selection tool to rectangle and make a selection from the top left corner of the mask all the way down to the bottom right corner, selection/modify/contract 8. Add new raster layer, copy and paste paper 13_SILT into selection.  Drag the layer below the mask. Deselect.  Now add icicles2_SILT, which should also be under the mask layer.  Add a drop shadow using the settings above.

Select a poser from the kit to be your focus tube and copy and paste it on top of the mask layer, positioning and resizing it with your deform tool. If there are areas of the gown on the bottom of the tube over the mask, simply take your eraser tool and erase it so that it looks like the top part of her body and wings are outside of the mask and the lower part has her feet inside.  Add a drop shadow, again using the settings above.

Let’s decorate! Open bow2-SILT, copy/paste as new layer, resize and position with the deform tool. Open frame1_SILT and resize by 28%. Highlight top layer and copy and paste this heart as a new layer, position it with the deform tool, rotating or resizing as you see fit. Duplicate, mirror, move the top heart over next to the first one, erase a small part to make them look entwined, merge down, drop shadow. Move it over the center of the bow, erase the hearts here and there so that the ribbons look like they weave through the hearts. Highlight your bow layer, drop shadow. Use branch2_SILT, copy and paste as new layer, duplicate. Move one below the hearts layer and the other below the ribon layer, again resizing and rotating them.  This cluster should be layers 2 through 5.  Close all other layers, merge visible.

Pick 2 snowflakes. I used snowflake2_SILT and snowflake6_SILT. Resize both by 40%, sharpen once. Copy/paste both of them as new layer, duplicate each one twice. Arrange them on your tag, resizing and rotating, on top of the frame, below it, on top of the poser, behind it, you get the idea.

Add your text and all copyright information. Merge flat. And you are done. Export as a jpeg.

Thanks for trying this tut.  I hope you enjoyed doing it.


January 12, 2010

Mediterranean Dawn

This tut was written by me, Em Jay, on 1-12-10 with all rights reserved. Please do not copy and paste it in any group or call it your own. You can link to it using a link to my blog.

This tut is written using a very colorful ptu kit created by Athena Designs called Mediterranean Dawn which you can find here

It was written using PSP9, but is surely adaptable to any version and is for people with a good working knowledge of PSP. Let’s get started!

Open a new transparent image 500 x 500, flood fill using white. This will give us a nice background to build our tag on.

Open two different colored papers from Athena’s Mediterranean Dawn Scrap kit that complement the tube you will be using. Select all, add new raster layer and copy and paste one of the papers you chose into selection. Do not deselect! Add another new layer and copy and paste the other paper of your choice into selection. Deselect

Open a mask of your choice and click on Layers/New mask layer/from image. Select your mask and click ok. Merge group. Highlight your second paper layer and repeat the steps above to add your mask, merge group.

Highlight your top layer, Image/resize (make sure your pixel dimension is set to percent and the box on the bottom to resize all layers is UNCHECKED.) Width and height should be set to 80. Click on Image/rotate/free rotate (make sure the bottom two boxes are UNCHECKED) Use 90 degrees either left or right. Click ok. Close off your bottom transparent layer then merge all visible. You should now only have two layers.

To add a little texture to your background, highlight your top layer. Effects/texture effects/mosaic-glass. You can use the random dice to come up with a look that you like. Click OK.

Go back to the kit and open Athena_MD_multiframe_1TS. Resize the frame by 60%. Copy/paste as a new layer over your top layer. Add a nice drop shadow.

Now the fun begins! This kit contains some very bright, contrasting-colored flowers. Choose one color for your big flowers that will go behind the frame and open three different flowers. Resize them all by 35%. Copy and paste each one as a new layer on your tag. Add a drop shadow to each one. Then drag each of the flower layers below your frame. You can rotate them using your deform tool so they each fit nicely under your frame.

Open Athena_MD_leaves2TS. Resize it by 15% to be used as little accents to your flowers. Adjust/sharpness/sharpen one time. Copy and paste as many as you would like to use each on it’s own layer. Drag them to where you want them and then drag them down below the flowers. You can see how I just randomly placed them behind the three flowers I used.

Open Athena_MD_ribbon 1, 2 or 3, whichever color you wish to use and resize it by 40%, mirror it. Copy and paste the ribbon over the middle of your frame, add a drop shadow.

Now you can copy and paste a main focal tube of your choice as a new layer on top of the ribbon layer. The tube I used is FTU ©Ana Rasha,  http://anarasha.deviantart.com.  Cover as much of the bottom right window as you can, adjusting its size and rotation as you see fit with the deform tool. Add a drop shadow.

Now go back to the kit and select three different colored flowers. I tied all my colors together by choosing one that was the color of the bottom paper, top paper and color I used for my big flowers. You can resize each one by 15%. Sharpen each one once. Add a nice drop shadow. Then copy and paste them in little clusters around your frame and tube, using some on top of the frame and a couple under the frame. Use your deform tool to make any adjustments to size and rotation of these little flower accents. Add the same leaves you used behind the big flowers here and there. Once you are satisfied with how your tag looks, merge visible.

Now it’s time to add the text of your choice and all copyright information required for the use of the tube you selected. Merge flat and export as a .jpeg. You’re done!

I hope you’ve enjoyed creating your tag with this tutorial!